Simple installation/configuration of collectd to send metrics/data to a statsd endpoint for visualization.


In many cases, it is useful to collect system metrics to performance baseline the system on which your software is running. With it’s multitude of plugins (and ability to extend via writing new plugins), collectd is a great daemon to configure and run on your instance, and through the write_graphite plugin can be configured to send its data to a Graphite or statsd endpoint.

Installation and Configuration

The following steps were performed on an Ubuntu 16.04 instance.

Use the native package management system to install the collectd daemon:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install collectd

Once the package is installed, edit the configuration file to enable and configure the Graphite/statsd connectivity:

$ sudo vim /etc/collectd/collectd.conf
# note that there are likely many items enabled/configured, but ensure the following are configured
# for the best experience when visualizing metrics/data:
#   ...
#   Hostname 'some_host'
#   FQDNLookup false
#   ...
# Un-comment (enable) the following plugins as a good starting point - note that 'write_graphite' is required:
#   ...
#   LoadPlugin cpu
#   LoadPlugin load
#   LoadPlugin memory
#   LoadPlugin processes
#   LoadPlugin write_graphite
#   ...
# Set the respective configuration for the write_graphite plugin - note "tcp" in this case (statsd)
#   <Plugin write_graphite>
#       <Node "some_host">
#           Host "graphite_or_statsd_hostname_or_ip"
#           Port "2003"
#           Protocol "tcp"
#           LogSendErrors true
#           Prefix "collectd"
#           Postfix "collectd"
#           StoreRates true
#           AlwaysAppendDS false
#           EscapeCharacter "_"
#       </Node>
#   </Plugin>

Once the configuration has been set, start or restart the collectd service (if already running):

$ sudo service collectd start

If you suspect errors/issues with the configuration or service (i.e. if data is not showing up at your graphite/statsd endpoint for visualization), you can investigate the instance syslog which contains any errors that might occur with the collectd service/configuration:

$ sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog