Collection of commands and information related to interaction with a PostgreSQL database. These are likely rudimentary but are useful for needing to remember them after not having worked with the database for some time.


Some useful commands for interacting with the PostgreSQL database.

# list databases
$ \l
# connect to database
$ \c db_name '<db_name>'
# show database tables
$ \d
# show users and details
$ \du
# quit
$ \q
# drop an existing database
$ drop database <db_name>;
# create a database
$ create database <db_name>;
# give user superuser access
$ alter user <user_name> with superuser;
# create a role
$ create role <role_name>;
# modify role to add role
$ alter role <role_name> with <role>;


When installing PostgreSQL, first initialize the database:

# PostgreSQL 8
$ initdb

# PostgreSQL 9
$ pg_ctl initdb

Default socket locations are usually not sufficient - edit /data/pgdata/<data_dir>/postgresql.conf:

# PostgreSQL 8
unix_socket_directory = '/tmp'

# PostgreSQL 9
unix_socket_directory = '/data/sockets'