Tutorial related to the installation and configuration of Statsd on an Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine. Note that these instructions follow the “Install from Source” process from the documentation in order to facilitate the highest level of configurability.


Note that the resulting Statsd setup from these instructions is NOT for production use. These instructions are for setting up an initial test/dev setup of Statsd to understand how the application functions.


Assumes the following are already installed/ready for use on a network-accessible Ubuntu instance:

  • Graphite (including whisper, carbon-cache, and graphite-web)


Install the required dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install -y git nodejs npm



Clone the project into the /opt directory:

$ sudo git clone https://github.com/etsy/statsd.git /opt/statsd

Install the required packages:

$ cd /opt/statsd
$ sudo npm install

Edit the configuration file for your environment:

$ cd /opt/statsd
$ sudo vim exampleConfig.js
# ensure at least the following values are specified
# assumes graphite is running on the same host, grants 1 second resolution, and sets log levels to DEBUG
#   {
#       graphitePort: 2003,
#     , graphiteHost: "localhost"
#     , port: 8125
#     , backends: [ "./backends/graphite" ]
#     , dumpMessages: true
#     , log: { level: "LOG_DEBUG" }
#     , flushInterval: 1000
#   }

Start the daemon:

$ nodejs /opt/statsd/stats.js /opt/statsd/exampleConfig.js


To ensure that the statsd instance is correctly receiving metrics and forwarding to the Graphite instance, send a test metric to the statsd instance:

# send a counter metric "statsd.test.foo" with value 2 at current time to local statsd instance on port 8125
$ echo "statsd.test.foo:2|c" | nc -u -w0 localhost 8125
# ensure that the counter metric made it to graphite - this command is run on the whisper storage instance
# which should be localhost (same as statsd) if these instructions were followed
whisper-fetch.py /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/stats_counts/statsd/test/foo.wsp
# should output a bunch of metrics for time series, including value sent above


Contributions to some of the above were gleaned from: