PlantUML is a great modeling language/utility for software diagrams (and other types). Often, it’s useful to have a pattern of developing using vim and having the UML update automatically. This post details a quick way to offer this pattern.


This tutorial is written from the perspective of a Mac OS - while it may work on other operating systems, the commands would need to be adapted to the specific OS expectations.

System Dependencies

There are a couple of system dependencies that are required to get going:

$ brew install graphviz
$ brew install java

Pathogen Dependencies

Next, we’ll install the Pathogen (vim) dependencies. Again, this assumes you’re using Pathogen as the package manager for vim - if not, ensure you use whatever mechanism you typically use for package/feature management for vim:

$ cd ~/.vim/bundle/
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone

Using the PlantUML Renderer

You’re now set up to render/auto-update your PlantUML diagrams generated using vim. Open a new file in vim (e.g. example.puml) and add the following contents:

Alice -> Bob: test

Save the file, and then render it in a browser window using the ex command in vim: :PlantumlOpen. Your browser (default) should open and after a few seconds, the above PlantUML should render in an image. Update your vim file and save the contents, you should see the browser image auto-update. You’re now set up to do some nice PlantUML creation with auto-updating images for inspection!


The above tutorial was pieced together with some information from the following sites/resources, among others that were likely missed in this list: