This post is a bunch of random useful commands, data points, installation instructions, etc. that I’ve collected over the last several years. The data contained within this post are things that I found useful at the time, were difficult to find/fix, or are generally just useful sysadmin commands to keep around for historical lookup purposes.
therubyracer dependencies
Specify the following in the gemfile, followed by bundle install:
Missing C Compiler
In many cases, installing libraries and software requires compiling - if errors are thrown about a missing compiler, usually this can be resolved via the following (assuming a CentOS-like system - similar methodology can be followed for other types of operating systems, using the respective package manager for the system).
At this point, you should be able to re-run your command and the compile commands should be able
to use the CC
environment variable successfully.
Soft and Hard ulimits
To list ulimit settings (global):
To set ulimits explicitly (i.e. for a user or group):
VirtualBox Command-Line
Command-line commands to interact with the VirtualBox application.
“No Devices Detected” for Wifi
Very infrequently, I lost my internet connection and (seemingly) my entire wireless network adapter. Errors such as “No Devices Detected” that show up when attempting to connect to a wifi network were showing up routinely. To address this, I followed this article to reset the System Management Controller.
- Shut down the Mac.
- Press the (left) Shift + Control + Option + Power Button keys at the same time. ..*. Wait a second or two.
- Release all the keys at the same time.
- Turn on the Mac using the normal power button.
This should reset the internal SMC and result in being able to connect to wifi networks.
Continuous Re-Prompt for Password
When continuously being prompted for a password for the Local/Login keychain, perform the following to fix:
Unusually High Memory Consumption
To force a garbage collection on OSX if the memory seems to be running unnecessarily high:
Re-Install VirtualBox with Extensions
To re-install a VirtualBox setup on OSX.
- Uninstall any existing VirtualBox instances using the Uninstall script that comes with the .dmg.
- Reboot the machine.
- Run the installer for the new VirtualBox version.
- Download the corresponding extension packs.
- Install the extension packs from the command line: