(Version 0.10) Tutorial related to the installation and configuration of Graphite
on an Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine. Note that these instructions follow the “Install from Source” process
from the documentation in order to facilitate the highest level of configurability, and assume the
“bleeding-edge” version at the time of this post (version 0.10, which is still currently in development).
Note that the resulting Graphite setup from these instructions is NOT for production use. These
instructions are for setting up an initial test/dev setup of Graphite to understand how the application
Install the required dependencies:
Create the Python virtual environment and set up the path settings:
Clone and build/install the required components:
Create the configuration (default) files:
Create the carbon group and user for the carbon service:
Create the database (replace ‘migrate’ with ‘syncdb’ for older versions of Django):
Adjust permissions for databases, files, binaries and directories for the Carbon and Apache users:
Start the carbon cache daemon, and ensure it is running:
Create the Apache virtual host file, enable the site, and start Apache:
Ensure the carbon process is running/listening on correct ports:
Ensure that data is being collected for the carbon host:
Send some new data and validate the data for the carbon cache:
Contributions to some of the above were gleaned from: