Tutorial related to expanding on on the initial Graphite installation approach here and adding a Carbon Relay instance to send metrics to multiple Carbon Cache instances.
Note that the resulting Carbon Relay setup from these instructions is NOT for production use. These instructions are for setting up an initial test/dev setup of Carbon Relay to understand how the application functions.
This tutorial assumes that multiple Carbon Cache instances are already provisioned and configured to accept metrics on a local or remote host. The tutorial is scoped to installing and configuring a Carbon Relay agent to send metrics downstream to multiple Carbon Cache instances.
Install the required dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config \
python-dev \
python-pip \
python-virtualenv \
librrd-dev \
git-core \
Create the Python virtual environment and set up the path settings:
$ sudo virtualenv /opt/graphite
$ export PATH=/opt/graphite/bin:$PATH
Clone and build/install the required components:
# carbon relay - same as carbon cache package
$ cd /usr/local/src
$ sudo git clone https://github.com/graphite-project/carbon.git
$ cd carbon
$ sudo -E pip install -r requirements.txt
$ sudo -E python setup.py install
Create the configuration (default) files:
$ cd /opt/graphite/conf
# copy the storage schema and edit for purposes - this should probably match the carbon caches
$ sudo cp storage-schemas.conf.example storage-schemas.conf
# carbon
$ sudo cp carbon.conf.example carbon.conf
# update the following configuration parameter in the carbon.conf file to ensure not running as superuser
# USER = carbonusr
# also, ensure that the following relay settings are specified
# RELAY_METHOD = rules
# carbon relay
$ sudo cp relay-rules.conf.example relay-rules.conf
# update the [default] section to reflect the carbon cache instance IP:Port combinations to route to
# note that the port numbers must be the PICKLE port numbers
# [default]
# default = true
# destinations = <IP1>:<PICKLE_PORT1>:a, <IP2>:<PICKLE_PORT2>:b
Create the carbon group and user for the carbon service:
$ sudo groupadd carbon
$ sudo useradd -c "User for the carbon service" -g carbon -s /dev/null carbonusr
Adjust permissions for files, binaries and directories for the Carbon user:
$ sudo mkdir -p /opt/graphite/storage/log/carbon-relay
$ sudo chown -R carbonusr:carbon /opt/graphite/storage/log
$ sudo chmod 775 /opt/graphite/storage
$ sudo chgrp carbon /opt/graphite/storage
Start the carbon relay, and ensure it is running:
$ sudo -E /opt/graphite/bin/carbon-relay.py \
--config=/opt/graphite/conf/carbon.conf \
--rules=/opt/graphite/conf/relay-rules.conf \
# to check the status of the carbon-relay daemon:
$ sudo -E /opt/graphite/bin/carbon-relay.py status
# carbon-relay (instance a) is running with pid 15225
Ensure the carbon relay process is running/listening on correct ports:
$ cat /opt/graphite/storage/carbon-relay-a.pid
# 15225
$ pgrep -fa carbon
# 15225 /usr/bin/python /opt/graphite/bin/carbon-relay.py
# --config=/opt/graphite/conf/carbon.conf
# --rules=/opt/graphite/conf/relay-rules.conf start
$ netstat -vant | grep LISTEN | grep '201[34]'
# tcp 0 0* LISTEN
# tcp 0 0* LISTEN
Send some new data and validate the data is received and stored by each carbon cache. For instance, run the netcat (nc) command on a local host and point it at the relay instance IP address or hostname to send the test metric to the relay. Once performed, navigate to the instance running each carbon cache service and run the whisper-fetch.py script to ensure that the metric made it from the relay down to the whisper database.
# send a metric "test.metric.foo" with value 2 at current time to relay on port 2013
$ echo "test.something.foo 2 `date +%s`" | nc <CARBON_RELAY_IP> 2013
# check to ensure that the metric shows up on each of the carbon cache instances
# this command should be run locally on each carbon cache to ensure the metric was routed correctly
$ /usr/local/bin/whisper-fetch.py /opt/graphite/storage/whisper/test/something/foo.wsp
# should output a bunch of metrics for time series, including value sent to the relay above
Contributions to some of the above were gleaned from: