General technical approach that I take to prototype and experiment with new technologies. The steps detailed in this post are iterative and specific to the way that I am able to best analyze and assess the functionality of a new software tool, and have been applied to hardware-based solutions as well.


As a means to explain my approach to problem-solving, I will explain how I dealt with the deep-dive into the Graphite stack and the posts that resulted. The following posts are all within scope of this explanation of how I approach problem-solving (in sequential order of approach/timeframe written):

Problem Statement and/or Intent

When starting out exploration of a technology, I first start with a defined intent. When it comes to exploring new technology that I am not familiar with, this can be quite difficult and the problem statement/intent will most likely change or morph over time, but in general, it is still good to keep an idea in mind about what you wish to prove/disprove/learn.

In the case of the Graphite stack, the problem was lack of understanding about the technology as a whole and its corresponding performance tuning. My intent was to understand the technology and its performance characteristics such that I could make calculated adjustments to change the operating characteristics of the technology stack. This is a mouthful - however, it served as my “epic” (for those of you familiar with “Agile” methodologies). As I am very much an iterative engineer both in practice and in mindset, I knew this would be a good starting point because it kept me focused on the end goal of my explorations while allowing me to traverse various rabbit holes until I was able to achieve the goal.

The intent statement served as the end-goal that I would keep my sights on. The following sections of this post detail the steps and iterative methods I utilized to achieve the intent statement.

Step 1 - Install, Configure, Test with No Tuning

Whenever exploring a brand new technology stack that I have no or very little knowledge about, I always start with the basics - find a quick start guide and high-level architecture diagram and get to work.


The very first step I always take to learn new technology is to read the documentation. Many software implementations (especially in the open-source community) can have very spotty documentation, so this step is actually quite good for gauging how mature and established the software is in the community. If documentation is lacking (formal documentation) it is sometimes helpful to perform this step regardless as you can discover various use-cases and current customer perspectives that can help formulate an opinion of the technology before you even get started. However, just remember from my previous posts - data is king, so do not let that opinion based on other peoples’ experiences define the technology for you - use it as a data point that you prove/disprove based on your own understanding and configuration of the technology.

Install Software

Next, install and configure the software - from “scratch”, most of the time without any “helpers”. By helpers I actually mean operating-system package management systems and various other things that make software more easily consumable (in other words, I build from source if possible). This may sound insane to most people, but I’ve on more than one occasion discovered some deep dark secrets of software via this method that I would have otherwise glossed over had I utilized a packaging system or similar (think “database table default naming convention not documented anywhere”).

So, I proceed - I downloaded the packages for the Graphite stack (latest version) and got to work. Now, I did use the Python package management system to install dependencies but still avoided using native operating system package management systems (in this case, Ubuntu “apt”). Additional dependencies required by the operating system, however, I did use the native package management system for as this was not an exercise in understanding the dependencies but, rather, the software itself.

Configure Software

Most software will include a “quick start” guide that gets you up and running with a minimal set of configuration options. This is fine for most instances, and is typically where I start my exploration to limit the amount of knowledge required for a first-pass “it’s working” setup.

Minimal configuration for a first pass in the Graphite ecosystem included just a few tweaks to get the configuration file in line with something that works. Doing just this, I opted for minimal configuration changes based on the quick start and shelved the configuration file exploration for later.

Testing and Success Proof

As with any scientific method, there needs to be a way to prove (or disprove) your hypothesis. Once I had a baseline fully-functional Graphite stack up and running, testing was in order. Some simple testing to ensure services are running is definitely key, as is finding where the logs are located to help troubleshoot issues when (not if) they are encountered. Testing the ingest abilities and actually visualizing the results was priority in accomplishing prior to proceeding.

One thing is for certain - you can’t declare success without data. In the interest of visualization, I explored what was available to me for the Graphite stack in the form of operational metrics. As I started digging into the metrics, it became apparent that there weren’t very good sources of definitions for what each metric stood for in the reporting pipeline. Unfortunately, this resulted in one of my major discoveries - Graphite is very, VERY poorly documented from the perspective of wanting to truly understand the technology stack. Later in this post you will see where I stopped my activities and dug directly into the code base of the software itself to better understand the transactional model of the software itself - at this point, I simply focused my code searching efforts on metrics specifically, and was able to come up with a cohesive list of metric names and corresponding explanations for each, thus allowing me to set up some metrics tracking for future activities.

Step 2 - Expand Architecture and Consider “The Things”

Most software installs as a standalone process for testing and prototyping/development activities. This is great for learning a new technology but typically falls apart whenever concepts like “scale” or “high availability” come into play. Once I get something working I typically like to explore some of the extra components that make it both scalable and highly-available (if any). In general, there are various ways you can identify and troubleshoot bottlenecks that may exist in either the hardware, software, network, or various other components, but I typically limit the initial exploration to the hardware and software directly. In order to prove either, however, you need a good load testing capability.

Consider the Hardware

When running a technology stack, I start with what seems like it may be the smallest footprint required to get reasonable output from the software itself. If there is documentation indicating metrics, then you are typically at an advantage, but most software (especially open source) leaves it up to the consumer to figure this out for themselves/their own workload.

For the Graphite implementation, I picked a reasonably-provisioned compute resource for the Graphite node. From there, I load tested and pushed the instance to its limit. This is another important point - identifying the failure scenario for the software itself can be difficult. In this particular case, I knew that near-real-time metrics were the objective and any deviation from that concept was considered an anomaly/failure. With this, I continuously scaled the load-testing script to push the system harder at each iteration, making sure to collect metrics along the way. When you find your breaking point, it’s important to hold onto the metrics to ensure that you have a baseline for your current setup.

Failure Identification

Once you’ve pushed your single (or minimal, whichever is applicable) software instance to its limit, identifying bottlenecks can be somewhat easy if you’ve collected the “right” metrics. However, in many cases, this requires quite a bit of skill and experience to pinpoint issues that may not be so obvious, and it is generally good to both run multiple tests with the same hardware and also run a similar test with the exact same input profile with different hardware. Identifying easy things such as “memory filled up quickly” or “CPU was overloaded” will help in identifying how to adjust your hardware such that you can make a somewhat educated guess in the progressive direction.

The trick for me is making sure that I have multiple types of hardware mixed with multiple runs of the same benchmarking profile on each hardware. This has become immensely easier given cloud-based technologies such as AWS and Azure, and can be fairly inexpensive if you understand the load you are generating and the price profile for the load. The point is, without data points, graphs, spreadsheets, or various other items of quantitative data, it is very difficult to know whether you are identifying and resolving the correct bottlenecks or are just swinging a stick and hoping to hit something. Often times, if you do not fully understand the software you are operating with based on lacking documentation, the operational characteristics of the software can become very obvious simply by varying the resources available to the compute resource on which the software runs. If, however, you do somewhat understand the operational characteristics of the software, by all means utilize that knowledge to make hardware- based adjustments more appropriately.

The below sections are not listed or intended to be ordered - in other words, benchmarking and testing requires iterations of each of the below sections, and it is by no means a perfect science.

Hardware-Based vs. Software-Based Failures

Without somewhat of a systems or software background, the overall analysis of performance tuning can be daunting to some. If you are ever in a position/opportunity to perform this type of analysis for a new technology stack, take this amazing opportunity to “learn up” and sharpen your skills in areas you may not be comfortable with. One of the best ways to become a better and more well-rounded engineer is to step outside your comfort zone, and such an opportunity as this is the perfect time to do so!

Consider the Configuration

Tuning a technology stack can be difficult, especially if documentation is poor. Read through the various included configuration file samples to try and understand the operational configurations associated with the software. Doing so can help lead to an “aha” moment that documentation never provided, such as thread tuning, memory tuning, data tuning, etc.

In Graphite, I was able to identify and adjust some of the data ingest parameters, which changed the operational characteristics of the software quite visibly. Things such as “how many updates per minute maximum” or “how many creates per minute maximum” completely adjust the operating profile of a system that is at its limit. However, be careful with tuning and make sure you understand the intent. If you are not completely aware of or cannot infer the operational changes associated with updating tuning parameters, read through the documentation and/or (even better) identify in the code base what is actually happening with that value to better understand how to treat the value in your own operational environment.

Consider the Software

Another component to consider is the operation of the software itself. In the case of Graphite, I noticed when I did my testing that a baseline-approach (little tuning to the software) resulted in almost complete starvation of one single CPU on the compute resource. Reading through the Graphite documentation and code base a bit it became clear and made sense why this was happening - Graphite utilizes (out of box) a sorting algorithm prior to laying down metrics data to the Whisper file system in order to optimize disk I/O. This sort algorithm can be very expensive, and as Graphite is written in Python, its implementation is not capable of taking advantage of multiple CPUs. The sort operations were very expensive for high volumes of fragmented time-series data, and as I was utilizing a solid-state drive for storage, disk I/O was never a visible issue in my tests at the time.

Identifying the bottleneck in this case pointed to an easy question - could I simply increase the CPU speed to gain more efficiency. The answer, unfortunately, was “not without significant cost” within the ecosystem I was operating. Therefore, I started looking at the software and discovered that Graphite was written to allow a “Relay” to funnel data to multiple Carbon Cache processing resources. Thinking through this, an architecture of this setup would allow me to double the number of sorting processes which should theoretically halve the compute resource consumption.

In this example, I was able to identify a particular software/architecture-based adjustment that should bring efficiencies into the processing pipeline. Once identifying this, since I already have a test framework in place for load-testing/benchmarking, making a small configuration change is shortly thereafter followed by re-testing and collecting metrics for each test.

However, when making architecture changes, understand the implication and operational characteristic updates. In this case, I needed to ensure I could not only track metrics for the Carbon Cache instances but also the relay itself. Without being able to collect relay information, I would be blind to and possibly completely miss the fact that although the multiple Carbon Cache instances were in fact able to better utilize the multiple CPUs on the compute resource, the efficiency of the overall instance was still quite low due to the Relay being the bottleneck at that point (I had traded one software-based bottleneck for another).

Consider Alternatives

Sometimes, the software is only as good as the algorithm it implements, the runtime libraries it includes, the interpreter it utilizes, or any number of other environmental factors that you or the author may have no control over. Aside from testing (quite a bit of it in order to identify this as the potential issue or bottleneck, and requires quite a bit of expertise in the respective area), searching the web for information about the technology stack can prove to be quite fruitful.

In the case of Graphite, I ran up against a hard point that I simply could not breach with respect to the Relay instance. Thinking through this, I iterated back to hardware-based and moved the Relay onto its own instance to reduce the memory footprint and see if efficiencies could be gained. This did alleviate some of the issues, but in general, I observed relatively the same bottleneck in the Relay as I had with the single Carbon Cache instance - no good, entirely processor-based.

At this point, I started scouring the internet a bit for some quick wins related to the Relay. As expected, this is a common issue and is directly related to the slow operational footprint of the Python programming language (slow relative to fast processing requirements). Alternatives included Relay software that had been developed in C and Go programming languages. After picking up and replacing my current Python-based Relay with a C implementation, I immediately saw a magnitude of improvement in the processing pipeline to the point that, in my testing, I could continuously add Carbon Cache instances and the Relay would far exceed the processing capabilities of its downstream Cache instances (I tuned it to the point that was sufficient for my use case and then stopped).

Conclusion - Go Forward

In general, the “approach” summarized above seems very ad-hoc - and this is by design. In my experience, approaching different problems with the same approach has never quite yielded the same success across the board. Maybe it’s my approach that is incorrect, or maybe it’s just the nature and complexity of the solutions I’ve attempted to come up with, but in general, the very iterative and somewhat chaotic-seeming approach outlined above (in the sense of “bouncing around” between various things to explore) has always worked for me and has proven to be quite fast in arriving at conclusions. I encourage you to identify your own method for solving complicated problems, taking with you some of the pieces (or all) from the above details. When in doubt, iterate, as you never know what you’ll find that you may have missed on your first-pass at a problem.